Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease

Overview Lyme disease is the most commonly reported tick-borne disease in the United States. In 2010, more than 22,500 confirmed and 7,500 probable cases of Lyme disease were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Lyme disease is passed to...


Opossums love to raid pet food bowls if left outside. They will also enter through a pet door if they smell the food inside. So don’t tempt them and call Lee if one does take up residence in your home or garage.


Baylisascaris infection is caused by a roundworm found in raccoons. This roundworm can infect people as well as a variety of other animals, including dogs. Human infections are rare, but can be severe if the parasites invade the eye (ocular larva migrans), organs...
Squirrels and Wires

Squirrels and Wires

Squirrels are in the rodent family, so they love chewing things. We’ve seen many cases of rodents chewing electrical wires in attics. So it they’re present, they is danger of power loss or worse – electrical fire!